Company Profile
Our Experience
Master of Signs
We offers a wide range of services for outdoor advertising signages including the supervision, constructing & installing of large banners, neon signs, unipole towers, billboards, backlit signs, & overhead gantry.
Its geographic reach spans the entire country including East Malaysia. Other than direct clients, the company also services reputable international & local advertising firms.
Values & Skills
Professionalism & good work ethics are instrumental in the company's objective to better its performance standard with each given assignment.
A steady pool of skilled manpower on call ensures smoothness of operations, minimum disruption & deadlines being met on time.
These have contributed to the company's image as a responsible, efficient & dedicated working partner.
Proven Track Record
Our clientele list, comprise those in the corporate sectors as well as leading brand names.
Most of these projects can be seen in various outdoor mediums along highways & road shoulders, shopping centres, public areas, city centres & so forth.
We are also credited for constructing the largest wall banner in KL City Centre.
The Right Choise
We have the experience, skills, speed & flexibility that can make the difference in any given task.
We are constantly in touch with & receptive to new techniques & technology that help improve our aim of ensuring a high level of quality, value & service to our clients.
Geared for Tomorrow
Innovation remains a priority as we set new standards in value, choice & service in order to remain competitive.
We take every challenge in our stride, often using versatile & creative approaches to meet the demands of the industry.
We are geared for tomorrow as we have the resolve & resources to adapt to new situations, explore our full potential and set new milestones.
Pedestrian Bridge
Pedestrian Bridge
Shop's Signage
3D Advertising
3D Advertising